1. The National Conference (see list of delegates, see news updates) is three months long.
Topic: Articulate and possibly Resolve Nigeria's Constitutional Challenges...but we're not splitting up.
2. The 20th NES, Nigerian Economic Summit is three days long.
Topic: Education. Will push for permanent structural changes that would allow the development of 21st century skills in Nigerian children.
You need to participate! This is your chance: watch #NES20 live on @Channels_TV. 18 - 20 March.
— OloriSupergal.com (@OloriSupergal) March 18, 2014
The highest ranked #Nigerian Uni, #OAU, has a low global ranking of 1,926. How can we turn this around? Join #NES20. 18 - 20 March 2014
— Red Media Ltd (@RedMediaAfrica) March 18, 2014
NEWSBUKA for all the burning topics in Nigerian politics and society.
The National Conference has been adjourned / postponed till next week. Daily Unofficial Eyewitness Updates here!